BIM Key Applications
BIM technology, whether in the academic or industry, has made the engineering community believe that BIM can solve many problems. In addition to engineering consulting companies as the pioneer of BIM, many construction industries have also invested in the development of BIM. Everyone’s goal is to use BIM to effectively reduce costs, reduce interface conflicts, and find optimal construction management.
Structure and Construction Method
The original purpose of the Kedge Construction’s Research Department was to improve the technical standards of the construction industry and ensure the quality and safety of construction. Therefore, we have spared no effort in researching new construction methods and technologies, and we are also committed to in-depth discussions on the details of construction. The content of the service includes structure, geotechnical, transportation, and green building…and so on. We strive to solve the gap between the designer and the builder.We hope to participate in the entire life cycle of a project and create the value of the project.
Relying on the flawless and ingenious construction and decoration quality, the construction project has become an environment-leading cause.
Build a house with the heart of building my home, and manage the environment where everyone lives together with the heart of caring for my home.
Cooperative Team
To recruit professionals in various fields and continuously improve the quality of personnel to enhance knowledge and practical experience.